
The Timeless Wisdom of Rabbi Salanter, Founder of the Mussar Movement, with co-authors, Rabbis Justin Pines and Yitz Greenberg, of the book; Ohr Yisrael and Other Writings by Rabbi Israel Salanter With a Translation and Commentary by Rabbis Yitz Greenberg and Justin Pines. TMI’s Director of Mussar, Avi Fertig will host this webinar. 17/6/24 – 1pm-2.30pm (ET) Attended by

Watch the recording HERE


Ever feel like there’s MORE TO YOU waiting to be discovered? Curious about Mussar and want a supportive group for your spiritual journey? This ‘Five Steps’ live online course is your perfect starting point! HERE

The Mussar Institute is open to everyone.

Sundays at 2:00-3:30 pm ET – beginning July 14th, 2024.

5 Session on the following dates: 7/14/24, 7/21/24, 7/28/24, 8/4/24 and 8/11/24. will be attending.

5 steps to a better you. The Mussar Institute flyer for 5 sessions starting July 14th 2024