Knots in the Rope

…. In remembrance of the generosity of Rachav, who used a rope to lower the spies from her window, allowing them to escape, to hide in the mountains. We call upon the spirit of this message to be of aid to G_d’s chosen people, especially at this time of great peril where Jews around the world are yet again experiencing persecution. Knots in the Rope’ help Rachav members to recall the overall goal of being a Gentile buffer for Israel.

Knot 1

Education is our greatest weapon against ignorance.

Study is open to those who do not wish to convert Jews.

Outreach: We also reach out to Jews who may feel they have lost direction, offering advice, encouragement and study within Jewish Orthodoxy.

Knot 2

Thanking those who keep the Covenant with HaShem. An online and physical activity where e-cards and physical greetings cards are sent to synagogues, presented to Jews who study at a yeshiva and to those known to lead a Kosher lifestyle for the sake of keeping the covenant of HaShem. We hope this exercise will show that the Gentiles understand the burden of the Covenant and that it is kept for the sake of the whole world; and that their work is appreciated by members of This ‘left-field greeting’ (we hope) will also spark interest in our mission.

Knot 3

‘Conquering by the Word not by the sword’ It is time to sound the rams’ horns and shout. Rachav members will be encouraged to speak out against ignorance, and if need be, protest and campaign online and in person.
