Join Rachav and experience a broadening of horizons and insight

We invite you to join us in exploring the profound depths of Jewish wisdom under the guidance of Orthodox Rabbis. This unique opportunity will delve into some of the most thought-provoking texts of the Jewish tradition, including:

1. Kohelet (Ecclesiastes) Reflecting on life’s meaning and purpose

2. Mishlei (Proverbs) Discovering timeless wisdom for daily living

3. Tehillim (Psalms) Exploring spiritual poetry and prayer

Additionally, we’ll examine other vital subjects relating to life’s journey and its challenges, drawing insights from our rich heritage to navigate the complexities of the modern world.

These sessions promise to be intellectually stimulating and spiritually enriching, offering a chance to connect with ancient teachings and apply them to contemporary life.

Classes will be held online. All levels of knowledge are welcome, but will be subject to initial online interview to establish level and depth of teaching requirements.

To reserve your place or for more information, please contact us through our Contact Page.

Join us in this enlightening exploration of Jewish wisdom. We look forward to learning and growing together.


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