The Talmudic Concept of Machshava מַחְשָׁבָה
DALL-E 3 The Talmudic Concept of Machshava מַחְשָׁבָה Curated by rachav_foundation Machshava, a central concept in Jewish philosophy,...

Judaic Scholar Demonstration Biography – Timna (תִּמְנַע)
Character Analysis: Timna Character Selection Timna is a lesser-known figure in the Tanach (Hebrew Bible), mentioned in Genesis...

Zodiac Signs and the Tribes of Israel
Curated by rachav_foundation The ancient Israelites’ association of zodiac signs with the twelve tribes of Israel is a...

Mashiach ben Yosef in Judaism
DALL-E 3 Mashiach ben Yosef in Judaism Curated by rachav_foundation The concept of Mashiach ben Yosef, a messianic...

Fuzzy Logic and Jewish Theology
Clip source: Fuzzy Logic and Jewish Theology Fuzzy Logic or Midrash by Rachav Foundation Fuzzy Logic and Jewish...

Hellenism’s Influence on Abrahamic Religions
Hellenism’s Influence on Abrahamic Religions Curated by rachav_foundation The encounter between Hellenistic culture and Judaism, and subsequently Christianity,...

The Ten Utterances in Jewish thought and how Christianity thinks about them
Curated by rachav_foundation The Ten Utterances, known in Hebrew as Aseret HaDibrot, play a central role in both...

Major Hebrew Texts – A Guide
Tanach [T-Torah N-Nevi’im K-Ketuvim TaNaK] (Old Testament) 1. Torah (Pentateuch) – c. 1200 BCE * – The five...

Talmudical Hermeneutics – The Rules of Interpretation
Talmudical Hermeneutics refers to the principles and methods used to interpret and analyze the Talmud, a central text...

Tisha B’Av Sadness and Promise.
Historical Origins: Tisha B’Av, meaning the “Ninth of Av” in Hebrew, is an annual fast day in Judaism...

Angels as Verbs in the Grammar of Creation
The Angels (מַלְאָכִים, mal’akhim) in Jewish thought are celestial beings that serve as intermediaries between God and the...

The Nature of Good and Evil: A Jewish Perspective
The Satan – adversary or advocate Introduction In Judaism, the concepts of good and evil are deeply rooted...

Why Rachav.org? – Ancient wisdom freely available to those who are searching…
In an increasingly interconnected and multicultural world, the study of diverse intellectual traditions becomes not only a matter...

Quora | Answers to Questions from Rachav.org
Do Orthodox rabbis generally discourage conversion to Judaism? Where can I learn more about Judaism? Should I read...